Far-Right Group "Patriot Front" Marches in DC Amidst Accusations of Being "Feds"
White-hot takes on current events from regular people like you!
“I’m definitely suspicious of them. Why wouldn’t they promote the whole patriot? Why only the front?”
– Tiphany Ming, Moderation Addict
“An obvious federal operation. Just listen to their carefully crafted talking points and look at how they march so neatly and dress alike. Everyone knows that real American patriots are slovenly and disorganized, with an incoherent message.”
– Colin Moriarty, In Search of Grey Poupon
“Wow, man. These kids didn’t learn nothin’ from our protests in the sixties. If you’ve still got your clothes on and the cops don’t look like tentacled aliens emerging from a kaleidoscopic haze with batons that become giant scorpion tails and sting you over and over while you try to sing ‘All You Need Is Love,’ how are you ever gonna change the world?”
– Armand Hiyazikite, On Intergalactic No-Fly List
“I for one admire their discipline and stylistic flair. I just can’t figure out why they’re taking so long to respond to my application.”
– Joan Cartwright, Hepatitis B Keeper
"Hepatitis B Keeper”
I thought Patriot Front disbanded.