Aug 30Liked by Philip “Big Philly” Smith

I hope that RFK Jr's endorsement will lift Trump's numbers past the margin of fraud. You know the Democrats have been planning to steal this election ever since they successfully stole the last one.

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Yes. The battleground swing % will be crucial.

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Aug 30Liked by Philip “Big Philly” Smith

I hear you!

And idk if I'm a pessimist--- or a realist--- but these fiends are capable of anything, no matter "the numbers".

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I hear you. I fear they may escalate from hanging chads to literally hanging Chads.

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Sep 1Liked by Philip “Big Philly” Smith

Election fraud in PA is guaranteed and it will be “in your face.” Why? There are no cops. The key jurisdictions, such as Philadelphia and Delaware County, have Soros bought and paid for DAs. Shapiro as governor presided as AG over the 2020 steal in PA. He has already stated the election “counting” will not be finished on Election Day, which is the key to the steal.

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My sweet home state.

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Aug 30Liked by Philip “Big Philly” Smith

In 2016, someone asked me, with a sneer for the old guy, if I would vote for a woman for president. I said, “I’d love to vote for a woman for president! Hell, I’d vote for a man if they’d let one run.”

<sigh> Maybe next time.

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Interesting take.

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Aug 30Liked by Philip “Big Philly” Smith

Many on left or at least those who lean, have a picture of JFK as the forebear of socialist America. I didn't accept it when he was alive nor do I now. JFK was the epitome of Edmund Burke's conservative synthesis of the Enlightenment.

Kennedy paid homage to Burke when he said. "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable"

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If you ask Bobby Junior, he’d tell you his uncle was no fan of fake overseas wars nor government spooks, also.

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Aug 30Liked by Philip “Big Philly” Smith

After Ted Kennedy’s Kopechne fiasco, I don’t remember any statement of outrage by the Kennedy clan over the horrendous act of leaving a woman to drown in a Chappaquiddiick lake. The self-serving value systems of the Elites are another testament to how vile they are.

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Yep. Was surprised the Hollywood film Chappaquidick (spelling?) revealed what scumbags they were.

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Aug 31Liked by Philip “Big Philly” Smith

Funny I just said the same thing to my daughter! Talk about Family loyalty!! 🤡

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Aug 30Liked by Philip “Big Philly” Smith

We sure live in interesting times.

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To say the fucking least.

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Aug 30Liked by Philip “Big Philly” Smith

Oh the ironing, how I love old Chinese fortune cookies

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Aug 31Liked by Philip “Big Philly” Smith

While he may be a "climate change" look and a bit wacky on the environment, Bobby did have some good things to say about nuclear energy. To me, his endorsement shows how insane the American Left must really be behind the moderate skinsuit they're wearing.

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That’s correct, I’d say. For any Kennedy to the “dark side,” the Dems must be way out of whack. Of course they are.

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Aug 31Liked by Philip “Big Philly” Smith

Need to proofread a bit better, meant to say KOOK not Look.

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I deciphered the code.

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Aug 31Liked by Philip “Big Philly” Smith

But the good news is that by end of the convention the Planned Parenthood Abortion-Mobile was selling dead baby parts from the trunk at 75% discount.

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Aug 30Liked by Philip “Big Philly” Smith

I love reading your stuff man. Funny and smart at the same time is a difficult thing to do, and you do it really well.

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Appreciate it. We try hard here. But not too, too hard.

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Aug 30Liked by Philip “Big Philly” Smith

And when he takes a turn for the serious, it must be serious.

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Aug 31Liked by Philip “Big Philly” Smith

Didn’t see that article coming from you, but Wow, you nailed it.

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Thanks so much. I’m surprised you didn’t see it coming. I feel like the RFK Jr saga begged to get the Gallows Humor treatment.

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Aug 31Liked by Philip “Big Philly” Smith

Oh for sure, but so elegant and almost main stream🥴

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LOL “almost mainstream”. Sometimes I accidentally do that.

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Sep 1Liked by Philip “Big Philly” Smith


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Aug 30Liked by Philip “Big Philly” Smith

That's certainly something of value on offer to Trump's supporters, if indeed his opposition to the Ukraine fiasco is accompanied by good faith arguments against further Israeli acts of genocide. He seems as addicted to the AIPAC tit as the rest of the pols.

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Aug 30Liked by Philip “Big Philly” Smith

Appreciated this! I never thought I'd be cheering on a Kennedy. lol

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Alliances shift quickly and strangely sometimes. Glad you enjoyed this.

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But what’s disturbing about his blacklisting by the mainstream and their Deep State handlers is it eliminates all nuance and fine details free men need to make beneficial choices. You’re either Blue or Red, so don’t look at any other shades.


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Ironic they push a different rainbow.

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Aug 31Liked by Philip “Big Philly” Smith

And a chef’s kiss for that header graphic

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Thank you, bud. I’m forwarding your compliment to our Art Department on the 17th floor.

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Aug 31Liked by Philip “Big Philly” Smith

Is this code for telling us they always high

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We’re only high on food additives.

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Aug 30Liked by Philip “Big Philly” Smith

So true and hilariously funny. I guess humans will never outgrow their tribal loyalties. Let's go Yankees!

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Aug 30Liked by Philip “Big Philly” Smith

🤣🤣🤣 thanks.

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Aug 30Liked by Philip “Big Philly” Smith

After RFK Sr. got shot, things went downhill for them big time.

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For sure. The shittiest Kennedy boy, ol’ no swimming Teddy, was the only one left.

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Aug 30Liked by Philip “Big Philly” Smith

Ted would probably have been old Joe's favorite. Talk about world class sonsof bitches!

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