Like you, I’ve looked on with a kind of amused horror at the asinine antics of our commie proles and commissars since November 5. I admit, I was initially caught a bit off-guard....I had somehow come to believe that the liberal psychotic breaks—ranging from teeth-gritting fuming, to rubber-room-worthy thrashing and screeching, to FBI-visit-necessitating threats of violence—had played themselves out. I thought we did all this during Trump 1.0 and libs, even if they remain unable to stoically process unwelcomed information, would at least have wised up enough not to offer such satisfying spectacles to their archenemies.
And it isn’t just the meltdown reels circulating on the web. We’ve all, of course, experienced up-close and personal episodes of post-Trumpmatic stress disorder in interactions with in-laws and neighbors, with random freaks on the street, or in digital exchanges. There is, across the board, among the left, a fundamental inability to exercise personal restraint...a fundamental deficiency of that pop-psychology attribute known as self-awareness.
What lack of self-awareness is correlated with, in case you aren’t aware, is low IQ; at least if we give any credence to another pop-psychology concept—the Dunning-Kruger effect. That describes, basically, the inverted relationship between confidence and competency. An intelligent person knows what he knows, but he also knows what he doesn’t know, and he adjusts his self-assessment accordingly. A not-so-intelligent person doesn’t know what he doesn’t know, and consequently doesn’t actually know what he knows, and bumbles along in blissful ignorance, assuming he’s just as good as anyone else.
In fact, a bona fide genius will tend to sell himself short, because he might be holding up an Aristotle or a Dostoevsky as his measuring stick...while a bona fide shit-for-brains, whose standards derive from such things as Snoop Dogg’s Dr. Seuss poems or controversies within the Marvel universe, will tend to suspect himself of being a bona fide genius.
It isn’t just intelligence we need to factor in, however; it’s also maturity. Part of growing up is getting your ass kicked...literally and/or by life. What you learn from various types of hard knocks is your natural learn to shut up and cool down, rather than keep pushing your luck, when the signs point to trouble.
But you know who doesn’t learn this? Women. At least not on the average, and not in our current utopia. Women can say, and do, pretty much anything...get casually knocked up, get quarterly abortions, walk down the street naked, or effectively naked, become literal whores, eat themselves to Hindenburg proportions, make themselves objectively hideous, hold up the line grandstanding about substandard lattes, stand at the counter and scream if they’re so inclined...and the consequences—or at all events, the direct consequences—are nothing whatsoever. Certainly, nobody is going to knock any sense into them, and chances are better than good that, even when their choices are downright catastrophic for themselves and others, some government agency is going to pick up the pieces—and pick up the tab.
As this relates to our topic, you might have noticed that the liberal meltdown videos—and most likely the meltdowns you’ve experienced in your personal spheres—are something like 4 to 1, female to male. And if you want some statistical corroboration, anyone can look up the numbers on the recent election and see that women overwhelmingly voted left, and the more tenuous their connections to men—among divorcees, dykes, and the like—the more lopsided the leftism.
So, in light of all this, when considering what we can, in real time and with overwhelming prevalence, observe about the left, I think it’s fair to draw a broad—so to speak—conclusion or two. I think it’s fair to say that, in its current incarnation, leftism is fueled primarily by a combination of low IQ and femininity.
It’s not like this is any great leap of logic. At this late date you have to be literally, quantitatively dumb, or shielded from consequences, or both—or, okay, possibly simply insane—to work up any genuine enthusiasm for leftism. The ideology, if it can be called that, is now little more than formalized schizophrenia. Trust the science, but not the scientific method. Buy banned books, but not those banned books. Debate ideas, but not “fascist,” “racist,” or “phobic” ideas. Abhor violence, until it’s time to “punch a Nazi.” Celebrate diversity, provided you studiously exclude whites. Revere “our democracy,” snarl at “election deniers”...until you get a president-elect Trump. Etc.
And anyone could have predicted, and many did predict, the left would end up in this state, because leftism’s foundational premises are schizoid. Distilled to its essence, this so-called ideology, in all instances, under whatever label, is “secular humanism.” I know, you probably imagine that to be some pseudointellectual philosophical fad, and it is that, but it’s also the heart and soul of leftism. What the “secular” means is that there is no objective morality, because there is no court of no appeal in the form of God; and what the “humanism” means is there are no standards for good conduct, beauty, competency—in short, excellence—because the leftist standard is just being generally, more or less, human...if you can walk upright, string a few words together, and operate eating utensils, you’re in the club.
And here’s where the schizophrenia kicks in: you get thrown out of the club for referencing any objective morality, or referencing any standards for human excellence. If your God, and/or you personally, presume to judge any vaguely human individual or type, you are judged to be less than human—you become a “fascist,” and are now fair game for defamation, assault, imprisonment, even execution.
If just reading that breakdown has you scratching your head, feeling like your own sanity is slipping, you’re understanding it perfectly. It’s fucking schizophrenia...but codified, and encoded into various propaganda campaigns, and systematically fed into the consciousnesses of women and morons...but I repeat, that was a joke.
As I assert all this, though, I can hear your objections: your doddering Democrat grandma, she’s not stupid; and your liberal dad or brother-in-law, they aren’t feminine. And I don’t doubt this is true. I know a number of libs who are—except for being libs—sane, and even impressive, people. Understand it like this: secular humanism is a disease, and how tenaciously it affixes to a given individual’s psyche, and how overtly it is expressed, varies case by case. Those who are more intelligent, or more grounded in reality, or some combination thereof, will have it as a sort of manageable disorder, like diabetes; maybe alcoholism...we definitely have, among us, quite a number of functional liboholics
And here’s another consideration: your older libs, say your Democrat voters of the silent generation, and maybe your early boomers...they don’t tend to obviously manifest secular humanism. This is because they grew up in a “racist,” “sexist,” “classist,” still-Christian—and it’s worth mentioning, overwhelmingly white—society. Sane standards, for these folks, are simply presumed. These libs tend to be your voting-booth secular humanists, your abstract-discussion secular humanists, but encountering them in the wild, judging by their outward markers, you’d have a tough time distinguishing them from standard-issue Republicans.
But take the other extreme...your trans ghouls, your face-riveted, rainbow-headed skanks, your teenage twinks and dykes, your haggard commie cunts...the sorts, in short, that make the best post-election meltdown vids. This is what advanced-stage secular humanism looks like. This is what happens when the disease encounters no immune system response in the form of masculine pragmatism, IQ-based self-awareness, and/or countervailing societal standards. These characters are, essentially, full-blown, loud and proud, schizophrenics.
And then, here may be the most confusing carrier of the disease: the midwit. A midwit, you see, is a somewhat paradoxical type. As you probably know from the popular meme, this describes someone firmly lodged in the center of the intelligence scale...the exceptionally unexceptional, the Goldilocks mean in terms of brainpower. But the thing about someone at this level is, he is often exceptional when it comes to focus and dedication. He tends to have a certain brilliance in practical inborn passion for rules and routines. The genius creates the system, but the midwit maintains it. The midwit is a superb mechanic, but he could never be a Henry Ford. The midwit is a virtuoso of Monopoly, an encyclopedia of its rules and strategies, but talk to him about how board games developed, or why we play them, and see his eyes empty of interest, or even comprehension.
The midwit is as content rehearsing some dull process, repeatedly performing some petty procedural trick, as a dog is fetching a stick. And you see, when it comes to tasks which don’t tax the imagination, but which reward attentiveness and consistency—when it comes, for example, to proficiency at Monopoly—the midwit outperforms even the genius, because the genius, being a genius, has limited patience with mere routine, merely reproducing predictable results.
Having described this, it shouldn’t take much imagination to realize that the midwit secular-humanist is the most common, and most insidious, variety of lib. This is your functional liboholic. This is who the commie kingpins target with their propaganda...propaganda, you see, which doesn’t require deep understanding, which even defies understanding, but which rewards rote learning and regurgitation.
All the lib midwit knows is that, in this life—in the board game called “American Society”—“democracy” earns points and “racism” loses points; “equality” earns points and “sexism” loses points; “diversity” earns points and “xenophobia” loses points; etc. He can no more explain, nor debate, any useful, universal definition of these buzzwords than he can reinvent the internal combustion engine. But the midwit is just as fastidious about these buzzwords as the mechanic is fastidious about spark-plug gaps, or the Monopoly player is fastidious about accumulating red and orange properties.
This is why you see even put-together karens, and their male counterparts, descending into psychosis when anything remotely Trumpian looms into their field of vision. These are your midwits. They look normal enough, and probably have decent enough jobs and lives, because they are conscientious worker bees. But, above a certain level of abstraction, they are as handicapped as actual retards. They have anxiety attacks when someone is “racist,” “sexist,” or what have you, not because the particular notion expressed is particularly troubling to them, but because the rules are being broken. The midwit has painstakingly learned a system, and feels a sort of ecstasy by operating efficiently within that system. When you disorder, or invalidate, that system, you threaten his very sanity.
For this reason, the midwit is the most passionate, and most effective, enforcer of secular humanism in our society. Unlike the flagrant schizoid, the midwit has enough social credibility to be listened to; and even beyond what we see from flagrant schizoids, the midwit is determined to see the rules upheld. That is, after all, his specialty.
The problem with the midwit is, he doesn’t know why he does what he does. This is, in point of fact, the basis for the NPC meme, which depicts your typical liberal as a soulless, mindless, buzzword- and slogan-regurgitating automaton. The midwit is not actually soulless or mindless, but he is, by definition, incapable of independent thought. And this isn’t a knock against midwits. Society needs conscientious worker bees...just ask Plato. But worker bees need a sane system...not one or another level of acquired schizophrenia.
And, not to give you, right-wing reader, any anxiety attacks, but chances are you’re a carrier of this disease as well. Do you know why the old heart-cockles get to glowing when you consider the women, faggots, blacks, Jews, Hindus and so forth who orbit the orange man? Because, over the course of the last few decades, you’ve watched the same movies and TV shows, fed at the same propaganda troughs, as the libs. I mean, you know as well as I do that your granddad, and if not him, certainly your great-granddad, would look at the current Trump coalition as a bizarre farce. You know, logically, that this coalition is essentially secular, essentially Godless, because no particular god is honored, and there’s no strict requirement to honor any god at all...and you know too that this coalition is humanist, because no particular human standard is honored. So, maybe, just maybe, you are also caught up in some communistic dialectic...a little less gruesome than lib schizophrenia, but schizoid nonetheless.
But sorry, I had a flare-up of autism there...pursued my logic too doggedly. Getting back on topic, I suppose, as a final consideration, there must be some bona fide geniuses who fully and consciously embrace secular humanism. But is this possible? Leftist culture, taken as a whole, is pure big HR department, swarming with so-called NPCs who alternate between sniffing out rule-breakers and signaling their own compliance with the rules...rules which, when we do the math, reduce to the comical idiocy of “hating hate.” How could anyone classifiable as a genius feel at home in this environment?
Well, in one specific and obvious way: by, as the saying goes, reigning in hell, rather than serving in heaven. There are leftists at the far right of the IQ scale, but these leftists aren’t what we think of as true believers. What they are, in a word, is psychopaths—people working angles, pursuing self-serving agendas, and to hell with final truth or logical consistency. Why do you think online censorship is a cornerstone of modern leftism? Why do you think even the cultured and educated libs you may know personally deem certain discussions off-limits, and tactically nuke you with buzzwords when you make the wrong joke or ask the wrong question? The cannier commies know they aren’t making sense, and the top operators know they haven’t been making sense since the days of Papa Marx. Being a few tiers above the midwits and cretins they manipulate, all of these people know, or at the very least sense, that the most basic cross-examination brings the whole farce crashing down.
And the thing is, at this point, the whole farce has already crashed down. That’s why we’re seeing the meltdown extravaganzas, and the general dark night of the soul among the left. But, maybe the real lesson in all this is—as alluded to a couple of paragraphs back—we’re fools if we take this to mean that secular humanism is defeated. Its more repulsive and ridiculous forms may—may—be on the decline, but we’ve all been made a bit schizoid…and the psychos who created this situation are still right where they were on November 4.
Trumptoids be:
My Tranny (Jenner) is better than your trannies.
My serial adulterers (RFKj, Hegs) are better than your Hunter.
My psyop (fake assassination) is better than your psyop (1/6)
But then the two spheres meet and the circles cross at:
All jews must be protected and the ragheads murdered.
We all have the capacity to abandon our ethical principles and dive headlong into convenient abstractions. It's moments like these when I try to remind myself how easy it would be to hit myself over the head with the hammer of attractive bad ideas and slip into a stupidity coma.