Jul 1Liked by Matthew Louis, Philip “Big Philly” Smith

Option 3: the Regime is setting up Biden to fail and attempting to make sure the terrible consequences of their policies come out during Trump's next term.

Option 4: the Regime apparatchiks aren't nearly as smart or clever as they think, and the wheels are coming off the bus. They believed the social media hype but forgot they'd already made sure social media trends were entirely artificial.

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Good points, but I'd say Biden was put in place as a failure. He was in rough shape since he reemerged for the 2020 election. This situation looks to be a setup from the beginning.

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Jul 2Liked by Philip “Big Philly” Smith

Dems are intentionally tanking election so that Trump wins and is left holding the bag with the 2025 shit fiasco of 20% inflation, 20 million illegal immigrants demanding welfare , and Ukraine surrender or annihilation. They would rather lynch a good white man in 2025 than hold into the obvious disaster that their actions have wrought. Dems would rather destroy our country than let us Deplorables run it. They’re wretched evil traitors and that’s putting it nicely.

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Jul 2Liked by Matthew Louis, Philip “Big Philly” Smith

I'm well aware that, most likely, Q's plan is to stop a civil uprising and that Trump could, possibly, be part of the show. Still, I follow Q and support Trump. Many Anons are fake, in order to discredit and make them appear a retarded cult. Is JFK Jr. alive? No, as Q stated. Are aliens coming to save us? No, I certainly don't believe that. That's ridiculously highly unlikely. As for Trump, do we have a better choice? I think not. Are the (D)s destroying all they can to dump on Trump's rein? Absolutely, I do think so.

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It depends on how far down the road we're looking. Short-term a Trump presidency may be less painful but long-term he may only increase suffering by propping up and legitimizing a rotten system.

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Jul 2Liked by Philip “Big Philly” Smith

After reading all your theories…my mind keeps coming back to one thing…maybe the dems messed up so badly and they just realized it…so they want Trump in office to fix all the shit they messed up…like they’ve realized they went too far, correct the coarse so they can go back to tearing it all down again 🤷‍♀️ …they may have an evil plan…but sometimes I think they are all just retarded and even the evil plan got fucked up…I mean, how smart can someone be to sell their soul in the first place? I think hell has a lot of mentality lazy and stupid folk in it

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Jul 2Liked by Matthew Louis, Philip “Big Philly” Smith

There’s actually a 0.000000012195122% chance of JFKJr returning. That’s a one in the earth’s population of 8,200,000,000 chance. Am I off by maybe a few dozen million? Probably, but Q gave me the number on a gum wrapper that was stuck to Jackie Chan’s shoe as he was kicking at a flying school bus.

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Jul 1Liked by Matthew Louis, Philip “Big Philly” Smith

I think option #2 is the plan.

"Trump character is necessary to get our young white men to step up and hurl themselves into the meat grinder, rather than politely decline enlistment, as they are now doing."

Trump is being played like a fiddle. Of course he’ll be elected this year, they want him to be the fall guy. Stroke he’s ego and he’ll do whatever the deep state wants him to.

Deep state: “Pardon Biden and Hunter and the democrats will love you?”

Trump: “Great idea, HUGE win. Biggest win ever!”

Deep state: “Putin attacked Poland. (False flag)”

Trump: “Hit Putin with everything we got! Missles, bombers, infantry, Marines, everything!”

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And look how the racial game dovetails perfectly into this. White lives are not only worthless, they’re guilty colonizer lives, so all the more reason to drop them into a D Day in Kiev or Tel Aviv or fucking Taiwan.

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Yep, that's what I'm afraid of. We can also factor in the move to automatically register all young people for the draft.

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Jul 2Liked by Philip “Big Philly” Smith

Im just sitting here hoping he wins with a 99.99% share of the vote.

Hey if we are doing fake elections, lets ramp that shit up baby!

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Jul 2Liked by Philip “Big Philly” Smith

All on purpose and they’rr all in on it. Prob laughing over a beer after every performance. They want us dead and they’re having fun getting us to kill off each other.

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'Rumbles from the Jungles - the Building from Hell' Interested but hate reading as I'm trying to save whats left of my eyesight. Any chance of putting a reader on these? ♡ the Profile. I'm mostly quiet too, wink

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If you use the Substack phone app there is a built-in text to speech reader for articles.

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Coolio. Huh, who knew. Thanks for the tip

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I do use the app but it's not always there

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A reader? Do you mean make a podcast thingy?

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Yes, I wasn't sure if that's what it's called here, either.

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I’ll check into that for ya.

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Jul 2Liked by Matthew Louis, Philip “Big Philly” Smith

Soon we shall arrive at our great Awokeness! Lady Michelle will lead us into our gender utopia. Magic Mike finally redeemed! Oh glory!

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Jul 4Liked by Matthew Louis

Worthless Karine Jean-Pierre held a worthless press conference today attempting to defend her boss’s apparent decision to stay in the race despite what we all saw last week. My only question is if he wants to convince us that he is truly able to do his job why not simply show up in person and answer questions from the press? If he is competent performing without a teleprompter in such a setting we would immediately see it and concerns would be lessened. Then repeat every week until the election. That he refuses to take that simple step speaks volumes.

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Regarding the gaslighting I wrote this a couple of days ago


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There’s no game. You’re looking at younger retarded grifters using an old man for grift.

That’s all. Stop gaslighting yourselves there’s a plan and a hidden group of masterminds. The brightest minds they have are in Media, and they lost the plot to replace Biden. WYSIWYG

These are criminals who went to college and this is the end. The government can’t hire talent under 70.

From mediocrity to idiocy, that’s all. This is it. You’re looking at idiot grifters and growing Satanic Superbrains and hidden conspiracies. Nope. Just what is on display.

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2Author

Yeah, just a bunch of numbskulls who bumbled into and maintain total control over society and world affairs.

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They didn’t do anything they inherited control

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Biden was their way of kicking the can further down the road. Also, keep in mind they thought they were going to re-do Western civilization via the clot shot controls. Klaus and Harari thought they would be emerging from their bunker to a depopulated planet right about now. I think Biden's handlers thought they could keep a lid on his dementia if they hopped him up on enough coke and Ritalin. As it turns out, there is not enough coke and Ritalin in the world to keep the corpse/dream alive.

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"There's a plan (I hopium so) and a hidden group of masterminds" (good ? and bad.) Pls forgive, but what is WYSIWYG?

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What You See Is What You Get


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Ok, so that gives my 4th celebration weekend a hearty dose of a lethal injection! Yeah, USA!

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Ive been looking for that evil mass for decades

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“Trump character is necessary to get our young white men to step up and hurl themselves into the meat grinder, rather than politely decline enlistment, as they are now doing."

Could be this, but I’d be more likely to think that the conditioning of conservatives in this country will make them more amenable to the finishing touches of a full scale in your face police state if they have the right leader leading the show.

Our border should be secure but it will be an adjustment that none of us really want.

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