It’s been easy to mock Trump since the 80s, and satirical Spy magazine did so hilariously by naming him the short-fingered vulgarian.

I’ve had the same suspicions about him mentioned in this article, and haven’t forgiven his promotion of the convid “vaccine.”

However, as a former liberal who voted for Obummer, I secretly smile every time media and journalists get triggered by him, especially the ones with a bad case of TDS.

With all his faults he still seems like a real person unlike his opponent, who’s always rubbed me wrong.

Giant Meteor 2024!

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Sep 30·edited Sep 30Liked by Matthew Louis

If all that you’ve said, turns out to be true, then there’s only one outcome, this country, and all the people in it are fucked.

Call me naïve, but I think what Elon had to say. Is true, if we lose this, we’ll never have another election. Since there will only be two viable candidates on the ballot, I’ll take my chances with Trump. Thank you very much.

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Same chance I'll take. Just considering all possibilities.

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Sep 30Liked by Matthew Louis

Nailed it Matthew. This is my position in one sentence : "Either Trump produces real results, or he doesn’t. So far, he has not."

Also, this time around I haven't heard Trump say he's going to; Drain the swamp, Build the wall, or Put Hillary (or anyone) in jail. I have to assume he doesn't plan on doing any of those things this time. All I've heard is he's going to eliminate taxes on tips (a power of congress, not the president), he thinks Biden/Harris are idiots (duh) and he wants to send more of my tax dollars to Israel.

I'm going Galt.

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Good point, even the rhetoric is neutered. I don't know that we have the option of going Galt anymore, but I'm with you on that in spirit.

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Oct 2Liked by Philip “Big Philly” Smith

Fuck going Galt. Who wants to follow a drunken atheist whores ramblings? Go Argentinian. At least that government is trying to walk the talk. Plus there are jobs there and get don't want to rape your wallet for your efforts like they do here, they also allow you firearms to protect yourself.

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Sep 30Liked by Matthew Louis, Philip “Big Philly” Smith

Sold at 31 flavors of fag. It's indeed what you describe, but worry not, the pull the rug scenario will play out so nobody will even get the chance to experience Trump's lack of actual performance in the office for the second time. That said, I applaud your wits and wordsmithing.

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Sep 30Liked by Matthew Louis

Maybe. And every sentient being should be dubious. And while I think Trump is an enigma my instinct is that he is not a co-conspirator with the Uniparty. First, he did get Roe overturned. Second, he is a pretty straightforward proponent of states' rights which is antithetical to globalization. Third, the support of people like RFK, Jr. and Gabbard I think weighs against him being a wolf in sheep's clothing. Fourth, I came late to Netflix (bad internet) but when I did I watched a documentary about him. It dealt with his early life and issues with then NYC mayor Ed Koch. The Dems tried to shut him down but could not. There is a piece of old footage where he and Koch are at an event celebrating some Trump real estate achievement that Koch had opposed. Koch's body language was very telling. He was defeated and he hated Trump. I think that laid the foundation for what we see now - a continuation of a NY pissing contest.

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Sep 30·edited Sep 30Author

I'd say a lot of things such as states' rights and Roe could be deck chairs on the Titanic at this point. Maybe even a net loss because they lead to more division. It's also possible Tulsi and RFK are part of the show. But it's also possible all of this is to the good. I'd just like to see Trump play hardball on behalf of his actual supporters.

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Sep 30Liked by Philip “Big Philly” Smith

Don't get me wrong, I think you are right to be suspicious. Dobbs wasn't a deck chair. Maybe the iceberg. We are divided. It is like tug-of-war. FWIW I think Trump was gullible in his first term. I really don't car what he says in the interim but if elected I hope that is where the hardball comes in. But in terms of defanging the alphabet agencies, refurbishing the military, securing the border. I don't really want to see Hillary, or Fauci, or any of them locked up though. I think the best punishment for them is to simply turn our back on them.

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I’m open to the idea Trump played Term 1 safe and will be more aggressive in a lame duck second term.

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Oct 2Liked by Matthew Louis, Philip “Big Philly” Smith

You humorously touch on points I've contemplated. I've also asked where did Obummer come from so fast and furiously? Who actually is running our government? Why do our schools resemble prisons? Why does stealing more money from us make our schools worse and our blotted government run even less efficiently? Why have we been divided into the Crips (blue) and the Bloods (red)? Who is out there playing chess while we haven't even opened up the box to play checkers? What is the cuisine like in the gulag and will we be able to get seconds? I truly enjoy your work.

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Thanks, appreciate the read and the feedback. it’s at least a good mental exercise to consider all possibilities and at this point absolutely nothing can be ruled out.

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Sep 30Liked by Matthew Louis, Gallows Humor Magazine

The country is stuck between a KaMAHla jive dumb as a rock and a Trump fake hard place. (And the Libertarian candidate is of the 32nd flavor of gay.)

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Oct 1Liked by Matthew Louis, Philip “Big Philly” Smith, Gallows Humor Magazine

Any supposedly intelligent person who has not already considered this point has not really been paying much attention. Where you go after arriving at this conclusion is up to you.

Personally, I have heard talk for decades saying these very same things. He has not changed. It turns out that his time in the wrestling world even helps his framing of the narrative. Bottom line: he and the Q drops have been consistent thus far and I see no reason to believe this is nothing but the movie they proclaimed... from that viewpoint, everything fits. Many people will doubt him but that is human nature.

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Sep 30·edited Sep 30Liked by Philip “Big Philly” Smith

“Hollywood for ugly people” How have I never heard this perfect moniker for DC? Intriguing and entertaining essay as usual.

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It’s the first I’ve heard it, and it’s apt indeed.

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Sep 30Liked by Matthew Louis, Philip “Big Philly” Smith

Okay, I guess I’ll still vote.

(Wish I could share this article with my mom!)

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Oct 9·edited Oct 9Liked by Matthew Louis

With regards to this hypothesis, here's one thing I've been considering:

Even if this were true, what if we are stronger than Trump?

Say he's just another puppet in the puppet show. He still demonstrates a capacity for improvisation, and even for capricious action, that the other puppets clearly don’t (see: Kamala's recent teleprompter short-circuit, for example). I suspect that's what generates much of his opposition, even if it's only the public-facing kayfabe of behind the scenes palace intrigues.

But what if the winds we are currently generating happen to blow him in the right direction, at the best possible moment? People have an uncanny ability to change, and even for the mask to suddenly become the face. A blinding in the desert might do it. But so might a literal brush with death, at a rally in rural Pennsylvania.

I’m not saying that's what has necessarily happened, or necessarily will happen. But if we think in terms of "They’re all in on it" without leaving open the option of redemption and sudden transformation, then we've fallen into the ultimate trap. If I were them --and I once was — that's exactly what I'd want us to think.

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But what if they are all in on it?

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Oct 9·edited Oct 9Liked by Matthew Louis

Maybe I wasn't clear. I am presupposing that they at least start out as "all in on it." Rommel was "in on it" at first, too. So was George Washington in his youth. So was Saul on his road to Damascus. So was Darth Vader.

My point is that people can radically change course, and even invert their former course. It's not necessarily what's happening, but to deny it can happen is a mind trap.

For your consideration:


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My fault, didn't read carefully enough. I guess it depends on how many layers we think there are in this psyop. I'm more and more convinced that every aspect above a certain level is theater. So someone like Trump being able to act truly independently would not even be possible.

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Oct 9·edited Oct 10Liked by Matthew Louis

If you think that people can't change, then that rabbit hole has no bottom. Same goes if you think that evil is more powerful than good. Corruption is everywhere in power. And if we hold that good, the beautiful, and the true as our ideal, then to some extent we are all corrupted, no matter what station we currently occupy.

But this word, "possible". Are you certain beyond a shadow of a doubt that you know what is and isn't possible? How do you know? If you do, you should probably tell the rest of us mutts, out here in the messy slop and fog. You might be the first human being to know that.

If you don't know (as I surely don't), then maybe you might consider factoring that part in when looking at these mediated images of reality we are bombarded with. If we allow for our ignorance in what is and isn't possible, it might be the case that all is lost, or it might be the case that we are poised on the verge of victory.

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I just mean that the basic structure and logic of the system precludes any maverick seizing control...but part of the basic structure and logic is to give the appearance that a maverick can seize control, to keep us believing in and working within the system. I mean, anything's possible, a coup could theoretically be carried out by the good guys, but it's infinitely more likely that that coup will turn out to be theater, and it's business as usual behind the scenes.

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Oct 1Liked by Matthew Louis, Philip “Big Philly” Smith

Good job with this article. It doesn’t insult Republicans or the base it merely ask questions. It’s legitimate good job.

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Thanks, Tim. I agree Matthew asked solid questions. One of the many things separating us from the commie shitlibs is we have critical thinking abilities.

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Appreciate it. No, no insults, I'm part of the base, but we seem to do nothing but lose, even when we win, so a little skepticism can't hurt.

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No. The system is unraveling.

They can’t get competent people.

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Sep 30Liked by Matthew Louis, Philip “Big Philly” Smith

Who knows nowadays??

Thanks for going there!

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Sep 30Liked by Matthew Louis

DJT is fake AND gay and you can take that to the skank.

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Sep 30Liked by Matthew Louis

what daring dramaturgicy

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If nothing else, I learned a new word today.

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