Mar 25Liked by Philip “Big Philly” Smith, Gallows Humor Magazine

Wasn’t going to comment, but decided to just leave this here.

Lay off the hot chocolate and quit going to bed so early. If you’re going to write satirical religious humor, you need much less sleep.

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Mar 25Liked by Philip “Big Philly” Smith, Gallows Humor Magazine

So it was that damn Josh who took my “in” at the dollar store.

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I feel your pain.

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Mar 25Liked by Gallows Humor Magazine

Channeled Sgt Pepper! 😂

Oh gawd it makes me wonder who did Pink Floyd’s Animals?

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Mar 25Liked by Gallows Humor Magazine

What is the demonic entity that inspired prog rock? Sadistic monster!

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In the spirit world "be careful who you follow" 😂✨

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"I made the hallucination as whackadoodle as possible, I tell you. Goats head and eagle wings, put tons of googly eyes on the wings. It was just a straight up mishmash of animal parts. Told the dude 'Be not afraid'. I thought he was weeping, averting his gaze for reverence and that schtick, and he wrote it as such for you guys, but he was actually biting his lip to not laugh at the clownimal I made. Barely held it together as I gave him the prepared speech in a kid's voice. Now THAT was willpower."

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