Jun 5Liked by Philip “Big Philly” Smith, Gallows Humor Magazine

Felonious Trump, how could I have missed that opportunity?!?! You sir are the most trusted name in news. Oh and btw I totally believe that Miz Shinebomb coming to power in Mexico was the result of her running a strong grassroots campaign and connecting with the average Mexican citizen. Matzo-Libre!!!

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Jun 5Liked by Philip “Big Philly” Smith, Gallows Humor Magazine

You can’t make this shit up and I don’t believe in coincidence

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Jun 5Liked by Gallows Humor Magazine

“Just your average tortilla-rolling mamasita from the land of lucha libre and tequila, with the classic south-of-the-border name of…Sheinbaum.”


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Jun 5Liked by Gallows Humor Magazine

Argentina just recently elected a rather odd leader as well... probably just a big coincidence, but the demographic numbers in Argentina are very similar to the numbers in Mexico, and yet... Oh well, it's probably nothing.

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Nothing to see here, shut it down.

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Perhaps we weren’t supposed to have “noticed”!

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I did, Jewbatarians are a psy-op.

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Jun 5Liked by Philip “Big Philly” Smith, Gallows Humor Magazine

Hear Larry Fink of Blackrock had a major role in this mess as well as lots of cartel support since 30 plus other candidates were mowed down.

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Jun 5Liked by Philip “Big Philly” Smith, Gallows Humor Magazine

Good stuff man.

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Jun 5Liked by Philip “Big Philly” Smith, Gallows Humor Magazine

Um take your shitsbha and your shinkles and scheckles - your schamacklels and shumurkles - and put them into the rosary being the newly elected president there in mejico has been placed there by outside forces no doubt. Tis just another schmucking shamble shame of the zigaboo ideology so schichting flucking schemachly smelly. Smedley Butler said it all - war is a racket. Ain't that the freaking truth! More than evident - tis obvious and smelly.


These zigaboos think they run the world and apparently they do - and they can elect anybody anywhere however they desire and there is nothing can be done to stop them except turns out they worship a false god and that I reckon will be their downfall in the long tumultuous end of this ridiculousness they have dropped down upon us goyim.


All I can figure is where is Miss Alabama when you need her to block up and plug up all the ridiculousness of these zigaboos who think they run the world - woe upon them when Miss Alabama gets winds of their nefarious agenda.


Either that or I'll hang out with Miss Louisiana and she and I will enjoy each others company in private with each other doing private things to each other until this shit-storm of ridiculousness comes to an end, or the world comes to an end, or me and Ms. Louisiana come to an end in each others arms lovingly and forever.


Oh Mejico - woe upon thee for having a zigaboo at the helm - I doubt the vote was fair, but since when do votes matter tis a fair question - and where oh where is Miss Alabama - that blubber princess is worthless if she is all show.....oh woe is me must be the motto of Mejico - being you now are subsumed by the zigaboos!

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Jun 6Liked by Philip “Big Philly” Smith, Gallows Humor Magazine

She came from the same puppet factory as Zelensky.

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Jun 6Liked by Gallows Humor Magazine

Excellent! Lmao - thank you! 💯

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Jun 6Liked by Gallows Humor Magazine

If I quoted my favourite part, it would be nearly the whole thing, so I’ll say the “quote” from the Mexican Mafia in prison was the guffaw moment -- a perfect cherry on the top of today’s comedic sundae. Bravo, good sir.

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Jun 6Liked by Gallows Humor Magazine

Are.those the Scheinbaums who summer in Boca?

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Jun 6Liked by Philip “Big Philly” Smith, Gallows Humor Magazine

Awesome!🤣 We can skip the BS “News”!

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Jun 5Liked by Philip “Big Philly” Smith, Gallows Humor Magazine

A little to much “kvetching” this issue!!😎😎

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Jun 5Liked by Gallows Humor Magazine

Oy vey, shut it down!

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Jun 5Liked by Gallows Humor Magazine


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Jun 8Liked by Gallows Humor Magazine

Look, when Netan-yahoo finally retires or croaks, I'm sure the Israelis will overwhelmingly vote for Jose Jimenez for their next leader. I mean, why not?

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Jun 5Liked by Philip “Big Philly” Smith

Very funny.

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Jun 5Liked by Philip “Big Philly” Smith

Thank you.

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Thanks for reading.

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